the future is now

Sustainable Development Impact Society

Celebrating, promoting and advocating for Climate Action and Sustainable Development


The Sustainable Development Impact Society  is proud to be a signatory of the Glasgow Declaration and in 2022 we are proud to announce our commitment to Just Energy transition by advocating Climate Action through our cause The Kilimanjaro ClimateAction Expedition.

The Kilimanjaro Climate Action Expedition

The Kilimanjaro Climate Action Expedition is a statement journey
to the rooftop of Africa advocating for the greatest challenge of our generation. Africa is the most vulnerable region in the world to the changing climate, according to the UN’s Environment Programme. In 2022 alone, half a million people were displaced within a span of 3 months due to the Tropical Storms. In the horn of Africa and Sahel region an estimated 46 Million people do not have access to food due to the increasing dry weather conditions.
The Sustainable Development Impact Society is embarking on a journey to raise awareness and promote efforts towards addressing Climate Change by  bringing together inspired individuals from corporate and public backgrounds to make an impact and raise funds to support Climate Action, Adaptation and Resilience for the most vulnerable communities of the world.

Our Guiding Philosophy

Humanity is here today; thriving, surviving and prospering. Our actions today should not compromise the quality of life for the future generations. It is our responsibility to ensure a better, conducive, resource-rich and safe planet for future generations to live in so that they can also thrive, survive and ensure the prosperity of the human race.

Core Objectives

-Raise awareness about the everyone participating in Meaningful initiatives geared towards Sustainable Development with a focus on Climate Action.

-Promote Commitment from the public, private sector and law makers to take action

-Applaud and Celebrate best practices in order to motivate an impactful movement in line with our guiding philosophy

-Build strategic partnerships to further our agenda from the grassroots, private sector and law makers

Our Strategic Partners